European Leagues launch sales process of Official Fast Betting Data Collection Rights as from season 2019/20

As part of continuing to provide new innovative services to its Member Leagues and their respective clubs, the European Leagues will be once again supporting the commercial development of domestic competitions through the re-tendering of their Official Fast Betting Data Collection Rights.

Following on from the first ever European Leagues managed multi-league agreement and related tender of these rights in season 2016/17, the leagues have come together to make available official fast betting data collection and supply rights for their matches including, inter alia, the right to collect data in-venue (event data, fast data and related products) for a term of maximum three or five football seasons starting from Season 2019/20 for the so-called Winter Leagues* and Season 2020 for the so-called Summer Leagues**.

The Leagues’ official fast betting data partners will receive access to optimal, secure positions in-stadia for the collection of live data allowing them to offer the most accurate and reliable data services to their betting operator customers. The partnerships generate a fair commercial return for the Leagues as well as providing greater control and comfort over the integrity of the data that powers betting markets on their matches.

For more information on the sales process for acquisition of these Official Fast Betting Data Collection Rights, please review the official Request for Interest issued by the European Leagues.

Here is the list of countries and respective Leagues involved in the sales process:
*Winter Leagues: Austria, Belgium. Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Israel, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Switzerland
**Summer Leagues: Finland, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Norway, Sweden

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