European Leagues’ main goal is to enhance and protect competitive balance in league competitions
Who We Are
The European Leagues – the Association of European Professional Football Leagues – is the voice of Professional Football Leagues across Europe on all matters of common interest. The European Leagues represent the vast majority of club football employers in the European social dialogue for the professional football sector.
The European Leagues, which is an association governed by Swiss law founded in 2005 and based in Nyon Switzerland, traces its origins back to the founding in 1997 of the EUPPFL (Association of European Union Premier Professional Football Leagues).
Originally founded by 14 members: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Scotland, Spain and Sweden. The European Leagues now counts 39 professional football leagues and associations of clubs from 33 countries, representing more than 1130 clubs from all over Europe.
European Leagues Vision
To be the leading representative of professional league football in Europe on all matters of common interest.
European Leagues Mission
Our mission is to enhance and protect the national competitions run by the domestic leagues, so they can help their member clubs perform at the highest sporting level in a sustainable and competitively balanced environment.
To do so the European Leagues works in cooperation with the football governing bodies (FIFA, UEFA and National Associations) and public authorities across Europe through an active dialogue, including other relevant stakeholders in football.